When Rota-Mill, Inc. says, "The Whole Nine Yards," what does that mean?

Rota-Mill, Inc. often refers to our Complete-Prep Package  as "The Whole Nine Yards." This means we have support equipment that allows us to set you up to  successfully complete your entire project. Below you will find out how we utilize all our equipment and how it can be tailored to your project's needs.

Skid Steers

24" planer head attachment allows the skid steer to mill tighter locations than the milling machine and up to 6" depth.

Bucket and sweeper bucket attachments are utilized for cleanup.

Dump Trucks

We can haul material away from the job site to wherever you need, or you can leave the responsibility of finding a dumpsite to us.

Water Trucks

One water truck accompanies our milling machine operations, unless otherwise specified. Tanks range from 2,000 to 4,500 gallons.

Pickup and Compressor Trucks

Our pickup trucks come fully stocked with fuel, tools, signs, cones, etc. Air compressor trucks come equipped with jack hammers, saws, and leaf blowers.


With the use of our lowboys, we are able to transport our equipment to accommodate your jobs on a daily basis.

Need Further Clarification?

Please contact us with any questions you may have.

Need a Project Completed?

If you have information on a project you need completing, please fill out our Zoho Form to request a free quote from one of our estimators.